Friday, March 12, 2010

We interrupt our regular programming

So, I'm out shopping for some pants this morning and feeling OK about it. I'm several sizes smaller than I used to be and think I'll be able to find something without too much psychic stress. I was doing fine until I came across a pair of size 2 jeans (obviously misfiled as I am several sections down from the 2s) and hanging from the very tiny waist of these jeans was a big tag that proclaimed, "Seriously slimming style".

Now, call me crazy, but I'm confused; if you're wearing a size 2, just what part of you needs "serious slimming"? It's no wonder that daytime TV is full of talk about "body dysmorphic disorder"! What kind of message are women getting when we're told that a size 2 body needs special slimming technology? What about those of us wearing double-digit sizes- what comes after "seriously slimming" - "Drastic size management style"?

I will return to the regularly scheduled programming about renovations now that I've finished my rant. I'm going to look for some chocolate first - it's medicinal, so the calories don't count.

(BTW, the skinny jeans pictured above can be purchased here).

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