Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tag Sale Season Has Arrived!

Yippee - tag sale season is in full swing again -as sure a sign of spring as tulips around here! It's our fun Saturday morning ritual -a mug of coffee, a list of potential sites and we're off. The fun is the quirkiness of it all - you never know what you might find and trust me, we've found some pretty unusual things! It's a bit of a window into people's lives and sometimes, you see more than you need to - like what made you think it was a good idea to put those LARGE (as in adult size) , bright red plastic underwear out for sale ?? And the partially used bottles of cosmetics? Really now, some things should go directly to the trash -period.

But the thrill of finding "treasures" makes it all worthwhile. Like this pile of trims just begging to be glued or sewn onto some paper project. It was all stuffed into a plastic bag, and I bought it for the lace work on the left - handmade, beautiful stuff made by the seller's grandmother. Now, why would someone put Grandma's handiwork out at a tag sale?? No worries, Grandma, it will have a new life in some altered art project, and I'll try to make it worthy of your wonderful work. (I could NOT get this picture flipped -even Google'd it and got some complicated explanation, but no easy fix - grrr)!

I love finding art supplies - some beautiful Strathmore paper in lovely colors and blank cards.

No tag sale outing would be complete without finding some books - this time some great books for our darling little GD. She'll be visiting this summer and we need to make sure her library is well-stocked.

And finally, a stack of great magazines for inspiration. Love Victoria - full of wonderful pictures of lovely things, great ideas and even some good recipes. This was a successful morning!

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