Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tags a la Tim Holtz - 2 and 3

Tim Holtz is in full-on Christmas mode with this year's tags. For those who don't know about Tim, every year he debuts the 12 Tags of Christmas - tags that have more steps than a program ! Not only are the tags fantastic, Tim also gives lots of tips about other ways to use his techniques (and products!).

I'm doing the tags this year. I've also decided not to run out and buy every product he uses, but to try, for the most part, to improvise with what I have. I have LOTS of stuff - so much that it makes "normal" people gasp when they see my room bursting with supplies!

(I did tag 1 and posted that on the Facebook site. I decided I'd rather share them here so I can tell you all about my interpretation of the tag techniques).

Tag 2 above - Tim makes a custom stamp pad for this so the pine needles are green and the cone brown, hard to do with one stamp pad! I "painted" the tag with a brush dipped in distress ink instead - think it's much quicker. Distress inks stay wet for quite awhile, so you can finish painting and still have wet ink to hold the embossing powder.

Tim uses a great speckle stamp around the border - I spritzed on some ink from a toothbrush. I've ordered that stamp (despite good intentions noted above) because I think it's one I'll use often. I'll try not to rationalize a purchase for each tag, but he uses such cool stuff...

Tag 3 - my favorite so far. Tim uses a die cut for the little birdie - I found a template online and reduced it to fit. This is the first time I've used Grunge paper (from my stash) . I stamped it with a sheet music stamp and sprayed it with red glimmer mist. The Grunge paper really gets saturated with color. The flower is made with tissue tape, crimped onto a small card stock circle - super easy and it looks so cool. The tape is really easy to use; it's just tacky enough to stick but lifts easily if you want to reposition it. I've had the tissue tape for awhile and just wasn't sure what to do with it - now I know!

I need to get going - I'm already 3 tags behind!

1 comment:

  1. I love what you've done with all the tags....I hope you come over and see mine...it's fun to try and do what you can with what you already have... I have to sometimes because I just can't find the darn thing, even when I know it's somewhere!!!
