Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Eggs

I've never done much decorating for Easter, but I love nests and eggs - a perfect Easter combo.  I'll be adding this nest to my (meager) spring decor.

The candle stick was a thrift store find -a yucky, puke-green find saved from humiliation with a blast of white spray paint.  Add a grapevine nest.  This one started out a natural brown color, but I wanted to tone it down.  I found this can of paint at a tag sale (lord knows how old it is, since I think all the Ames stores closed a decade ago!).  I've never seen this before - a spray white-wash.  It toned down the brown but let some of the natural color peek through.

Now for some eggs.  I started with these paper mache eggs from Michael's and then tore strips of dictionary pages .  I've found that tearing along a ruler makes a nicely textured edge neater than my hand-tearing and produces a softer edge than cutting.

I used diluted ModPodge to glue the text strips to the eggs.  I just dragged the strips through the mixture to coat with glue and then started sticking them to the eggs.  After doing a couple, I found that rubbing the egg with a little of the watered down ModPodge first helped to seal down the edges.  After covering the egg with the text strips, use your glue-y fingers to work the text strips flat, trying to eliminate any bubbles or wrinkles.  The aim isn't for perfection, just to cover the egg and keep it's egg-shape!  Air dry the eggs - I use an old cookie rack.

Add some moss from The Dollar Store and arrange the eggs in the nest - instant spring!!

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