Friday, November 9, 2012

Product Love

Hello.  My name is Deborah and I am a addicted to products.  Today was like a holiday for me - my November Birch Box came, and Ulta opened nearby.  I don't  wear much make-up,  but I l love any kind of lotion that promises the forever end to dry skin, nail polish and all the removers, conditioners and implements that go with the polishing, but most of all, I love hair products.   I believe all the advertising hype, so my bathroom and linen closet are full of purchases that shockingly haven't lived up to their promises. 
I love my Birch Box gift subscription from California Daughter.    What's not to like?  A box of products is delivered to my door every month.   I get to try all kinds of things I might not  would never try.  I rekindled my relationship with perfume, thanks to samples in my box.  I have fun stuff for my girls to try, plus  lots to take when traveling.  Here's this month's box:
Perfume, hair product, several moisturizers - whoo-eee!
Then off to the new Ulta store  Aisles and aisles of products, friendly staff who obviously have been trained to spot a product - addict!  There are hundreds of brands- the old stand-bys and some I'd never heard of before.  So what do I do?   I ask if they carry  a brand I don't see!  The salesclerk asks if it's a "premium brand - you know, expensive"?  When I say that it is on the pricey side, she announces, "well, then we don't carry it".  Curious, since they sell  Butter nail polish that goes for $35.00 a bottle.  Imagine that response isn't quite what the Ulta people would like!
New store openings are fun because of all the free stuff.  My only purchase was the Juicy Couture perfume (again, thanks to Birch Box) - all the rest was in my gift bag.  I can only hope it was accidental that that I got  two super-hold hairsprays !
I'm also a sucker for pretty packaging.  Metal hand cream tubes, funky graphics, vintage type and I'll buy whatever it is you're selling.  Like these moisturizing wipes from Gap:
Metal-ish wrapper, meadow full of flowers and type-writer font with wipes that promises to be moisturizing - sold!
Life is good - easy access to an abundance of products, right next to my other dealer - Barnes and Noble.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how certain products make us feel good. Just the pleasure of perusing them, enjoying the packaging, opening them, smelling them, and yes... using them, even if only occasionally.

    I'm not big on hair products - I have two basics I use faithfully, and a moisturizer from the grocery store, likewise. But all those gift packages with little samples of makeup or little brushes and doo-dads? Love, love, love.

    Now if only there were 'gift shoes' at holiday time as well... (Buy one, get the second pair free?)
    'Tis the season - very soon!
