Monday, December 10, 2012

DIY Calendars Done!

My 2013 calendars are done - whoo-eee!  Coming up with twelve ideas is challenging; executing them even more so.   The calendars have evolved with my interests; I started out with some fairly simple stamped images on small calendars.  This year I've done more playing with backgrounds and images, trying to use some of the lessons (and art work) done for my online class with Claudine Helmuth.
I did lots of background work on the page above. I bought a pack of scrapbook paper ages ago that just doesn't do it for me anymore, so I've been using the papers as canvases for more interesting backgrounds.    Here is peek at some of the steps - sorry for the bad yellow tones: it really is the same background, minus a shot of the turquoise paint put on before the final coat of gesso. 
Started with a layer of gesso , then attached random bits of paper and covered with some acrylic paint that I wiped off in some spots.  Add texture with some stencils and grout, more gesso, a wipe of turquoise acrylic paint and a final layer of gesso.  I'm obsessed with circles, so some circles stamped with paint caps are mandatory!

The beautiful image of the woman came in a gift of vintage ephemera from my SIL.  The woman looks like she story potential, so I added hints about what she might be hiding -  a padlock, a number and postcard- and those men outside the grand building...
Here's another page using a collage done for class.  I added some script paper and a piece of vintage linen tape. 
I've always copied all the art work, then glued the copied art work onto blank calendars.  This year I made the calendars online at Staples. Uploaded all the images and the gremlins in The Internet will print them onto calendars.    Not sure why I didn't think of this sooner!  No more gluing, no more big, fat calendars, plus it means the calendars are done lots earlier than usual.  Priceless! 
(More pages to share once the calendars are gifted!)


  1. How marvelous. Wonderful delightful art.Do you sell them?where? Thanks for sharing.
    susan s.

  2. Looks fab! Can't wait to see the finished calendars!
