Sunday, September 29, 2013

Well, That Was a Really Long Break!

Yikes !!  I never meant to neglect my blog and my three faithful readers for this long.  Just so you know, I have actually been pretty busy.  So many things happened this summer that my blogging just got neglected.  Here are some of the things I've been doing and not blogging about.
First, this sweet event:
Texas Daughter had her baby - a sweet little boy.  I went to Austin when it looked like she would deliver early, but it turned out our little Texan wanted to take advantage of his full lease agreement.  I spent over a month in Austin, spending as much time as I could holding this little guy.  I'm so lucky that Texas Daughter and SIL rolled out the welcome mat and let me share in this special event.

And then, this happened when I got back home:
Montana Family came to visit.  Our granddaughter turned from Western free spirit into surfer free spirit overnight.


Look at this big girlie, learning new art techniques.  She was really impressed with the magic of embossing.

I haven't made much art this summer and my psych has suffered.   I  did do some Gelli plate printing.  It's fun to mess with paint and paper without any pressure to complete a project.  Gelli printing is so addictive!  Even prints that don't come out quite as planned have parts that can be cut up for collage or stamping backgrounds. 

I did use a scrap of one of the prints to make this card.   I would have most likely just stamped this image on white card stock, which is fine, but the print is so much more interesting.   

One more thing -we got a new laptop with Windows 8, or as me and millions others fondly call it, Windows Hate.

Now, I am a reasonably competent computer user, but this version of Windows is just awful.  So awful that I've avoided  it, using my iPad for everything.  It's not easy to use a blogger platform on a Mac, so this is a trial post on Windows Hate.   The Captain has promised me a new, non-WH laptop for my birthday - YIPPEE !! 
Oh little blog o'mine,  it is so good to be back.


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