Sunday, December 15, 2013

Homemade Kahlua Experiment - Part 2

After three weeks of steeping on the counter, it's time to bottle up the DIY Kahlua.   

First, straining the liquid.  I hated to throw away all those yummy beans, but couldn't think of what to do with them (and really don't need one more project - maybe next time).

All ready to bottle up, but of course needed to do some quality control testing first.   Added a splash to my coffee - yummy!   I was worried that the cinnamon might be too overpowering, but it is just right - background, not the main event.

Add some labels and baker's twine and done!  Well, not quite.  As I was uploading the photos of my bottles, I noticed that some of the labels were stamped "Kahlua", but most were "Kahula".  Arrgghh - maybe  that's what  you call it when you make it yourself!  Some new labels and now we're done.


  1. Wow, wow, wow... am I impressed! (I would love to try this but I know I don't have the time or patience... mostly the latter.) But oh, I love kahlua - no matter how you spell it - and I bet this is delish. Brava!

    1. Thanks, DAW. Luckily they do sell the real stuff, so DIY'ing it isn't required ! And white it's fun to make it for for gifts, I'll be buying mine.

  2. :) I buy the "real" stuff, but I am incredibly impressed that you did this! I bet it's fantastic.
