Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Paris Trip Book - Finally

I can't believe our Paris trip was five years ago.   Or that making a book of that trip would take five years!     In going though my stash of journals and notebooks, I came across a notebook with pages, tags and embellishments that would work with my Paris pictures.

I needed more pages , so I raided my stash and found paper and stamps that worked with the pages in the notebook.  I already had a candelabra  and a harlequin stamp,  lots of vintage- looking and French-inspired papers.

My goal was to get this book put together with stuff I already have - no new supplies.   I've been following a group on Facebook called Shop Your Stash - it's all about using all the stuff we have instead of buying more.   Lots of FB groups are full of enablers - always enticing us that we need, NEED every new supply out there.   I don't need more stuff - I hardly have room for what I have.  It was fun to challenge myself to do this project with what I have.  In fact, it's a bit frightening that I can put together a book - covers, pages, embellishments just by rummaging around in my own "shop"!

I actually started this book while we were in Paris, so I have some small pages from that book, too.  I toyed with the idea of re-writing the journalling on to bigger pages, but left that crazy idea behind.  This is the first book I've made with different sized pages and I love the mixed-up look of it.   I had this flour de lis paper and stamp and repeated it throughout the book .   Talented Boston Daughter made the card announcing my birthday gift - tickets to Paris!

Another look at all those mis-matched pages.    It goes without saying that I'm not a scrap-booker.  While I love the perfectly planned and coordinated pages I've seen others do, it's just not my style.

The notebook pages also included several tags.   I attached this one with some washi tape so it can be flipped to read both sides.

I added some scrapbook paper to the edges of some of the small pages to avoid having to punch holes through the journalling I did in Paris.  Again, I repeated pieces of the same paper throughout the book to tie it all together.

I glued the envelope that came with the kit to the inside of the back cover to hold extra photos.

I used the covers from an old book to make covers for the new one..   First I cut the pages out , making a cut along the spine and then cut the covers off the spine.

Then drilled holes for the rings.    Turns out the covers were too thick to actually set the grommets, so I banged the little points flat and glued the grommets (front and back) to finish off the drill holes.  Thanks to DC son for the new craft knife- much nicer than my old cheap-o one and to Boston Daughter for some of the French-inspired ephemera.

   Next up,  Scotland!

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