Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thrifted Goodies

I haven't shared thrifted goodies in awhile.  What with Christmas and company, not much serious thrifting going on.  Then last week I hit the jackpot with this Kate Spade bag:


Pristine interior
Flipped picture can't hide the $8.99 price tag, but wait, it was 50% off day, so my bag cost $4.50.  This is why thrift store shopping is so addictive.
The price on this bag is an example of the wildly inconsistent pricing at thrift stores.  There were  handbags of "100%  man-made materials" - a fancy way to say plastic-  for three times as much as my Kate Spade bag.  Same thing for all categories - it seems that the pricing is up to the whim of the individual doing the pricing.  Some things are wildly overpriced, as in the Gap sweater that was $25.00 at The Goodwill.  I saw the same sweater on clearance at a Gap store for $19.99.  And then there's my bag and my set of silverware for $2.99.  Go figure.
Some more sweet finds:
Tianello shirt that retails for $110.  I had to pay full price - $6.99 for this fitted tencel beauty.
And a few finds for Montana granddaughter:
A brandie new Lands' End sweater, an embroidered jacket and a fun twirly skirt.
Two summer dresses - an April Cornell and a Hartstrings.
Now, about thrift store unpderpants - who buys them?  Even I draw the line at used underpants!  Seems weird that there's a law prohibiting the sale of used mattresses, but previously-worn unders are OK.


  1. Wow and wow!

    That's astonishing. (Not to self: Go thrift shopping with YOU if I ever need anything.)

    No Kate Spade black and white polka dot heels to match? (Dream shoes, but $300+ and I don't need them!)

    Amazing finds. Truly.

  2. Thanks, D! I'll keep my eyes out for the KS polka dot heels.


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